YLRL Scholarships
5The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is an international non-profit organization of women amateur radio enthusiasts. It was founded in 1939 and is the longest running YL club in the world.
The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is sponsoring three memorial scholarships.
The Ethel Smith, K4LMB, Memorial Scholarship awards $2,500.
The Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Memorial Scholarship awards $2,500.
The Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, Memorial Scholarship awards $1,500.
Scholarship Requirements:
• Applicant must be female.
• Applicant must have an Amateur Radio License.
• Preference will be given to students studying communications, radio, electronics, or Amateur Radio related arts and sciences.
• There are no residency restrictions. Non-U.S. Amateurs are eligible.
• Preference will be given to YLRL members.
• The Ethel Smith, K4LMB and Mary Lou Brown, NM7N scholarships are intended for full-time students. For these scholarships, applicants must intend to seek a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree from an accredited college or university.
• The Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE scholarship is intended for a part-time student of an accredited educational institution* who is working full-time. Full time work includes a stay-at-home parent or caregiver. High School students are exempt from the full-time work requirement.
*What qualifies as an educational institution? Qualifying educational institutions/programs include: Any accredited technical or vocational school. A two or four year college or university.