2024/2025 Officers
YLRL Officers
Vicki Zumwalt, N6KLS
Email: president@ylrl.org
I reside in Kingman, Arizona. My accomplishments include: ARRL Life Member, QCWA member, ARRL Assistant Director of Southwest and Pacific Division, Pacificon Ham Convention vendor chair and tri-chair for the 2019 convention in San Ramon, CA, Trustee for the W7KDS Northern Digital Repeater System, Past President of the Mt. Diablo and Hualapai Amateur Radio Clubs, chair of the Contra Costa Repeater Association and a net control operator. Plus, a net control for the popular Route 66 event for the Kingman, AZ station. I maintain my QCWA membership in Chapter 228 in Concord, CA and am passionate about my work in supporting the QCWA scholarship program.
I also own a small business called Vintage Stitching, a museum for Singer Vintage Sewing machines, some as far back as 1874. So, when I’m not on the air, you might find me in my museum polishing and listening to the click clack of the needles and the treadle moving slowly back and forth!

Vice President
Diane Ortiz, K2DO
Email: vicepresident@ylrl.org
Diane Ortiz K2DO is past president of the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club, a member of QCWA, YLRL, CLARA and past president of the Order of Boiled Owls of New York. Diane was the ARRL Hudson Division Grand Ole Ham in 2009. Diane has operated from many countries including the Turks and Caicos Islands, Grenada, the United Nations HQ and from the Azores as part of the Azores Nine Island Hunt. Diane wrote the YL news column for the ARRL’s QST Magazine for 10 years and the YL Contesting column in CQ Contest Magazine. Diane is also a founding member of Ham Radio University, a day of education for hams (www.hamradiouniversity.org), now celebrating its 25th event Jan. 6, 2024. Diane was Flotilla Commander for four years and is part of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. She enjoys POTA and contesting with her OM George N2GA, as well as riding her motorcycle and teaching people how to ride as a Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoach.

Anne Manna, WB1ARU
614 Webster Street, Hanover MA. 02339-1180
(781) 878-9235
Email: secretary@ylrl.org
Extra license, licensed in 1976, YLRL since 1997, DC 1 ’86-07, President 08-09, Secretary since 2010. Member ARRL; WRONE, Past president, Net & membership chair; CLARA; BYLARA; ALARA; QCWA; 10-X; So. Shore RA; K1USN. Attended all but one YLRL Convention since ‘82. Enjoys Field Day, nets, public service, YL contests, “rag-chew” QSOs. OM is Tony, WA1ENO. Lives in Hanover, MA.

Disbursing Treasurer
Judy Cox, KC5BOO
Email: disbursingtreas@ylrl.org
I was first licensed in 2015. I love ham radio and the friendship and encouragement the ham community provides. I first became interested in radio as a means to communicate with others. I’m 67 years old and have had rheumatoid arthritis since I was 5. I have never let that slow me down though. However, as a result I’m mostly homebound and radio is a way for me to travel and make friends worldwide. One of my great joys recently is getting to know a group of women in India via their daily echolink net. I love participating in nets, special events, and in any way I can to help my local community. I host my own special event “Boo To You” on October 31.
I live in Cleburne, Texas with my husband of 43 years. We have 3 children and 10 grandchildren. I’m the only radio operator in the family but I keep trying to instill radio love in the others.

Receiving Treasurers
Districts 1- 1Ø, KH6, KL7, VE
Vicky Luetzelschwab, AE9YL
Email: rectreasurer@ylrl.org
My name is Vicky Luetzelschwab and my callsign is AE9YL. I have been a ham since 1987. I received my extra class license with 13wpm code in 2000. My OM is ham and he became my mentor. His callsign is K9LA and he is the Director for the Ninth Call Area. I am a Special Education teacher in a Catholic School. I am a member of the ARRL, FISTS, and the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society. I like to work DX and Contest.

Lorna Flansburg, KI5FIZ
Email: dxtreas@ylrl.org
I became a Ham in 2019, and leveled up to Extra in December 2022. I was one of those kids with an interest in Ham radio, but no one around to Elmer me! I remember having a Radio Shack lp record to practice receiving code. I was unsuccessful, and eventually lost interest. After I retired, my daughter mentioned that she’d read that no Morse Code was required anymore! A few days later I contacted our local Ham club and got involved. With a lot of kindness and help from local hams, I continue to enjoy the hobby.

District Representatives
District 1
Barbara Irby, KC1KGS
Email: district1@ylrl.org

District 2
Suzan Colon, W2QMI
Email: district2@ylrl.org
Extra License; first licensed in 2018. I joined the YLRL in 2022 and live in Old Bridge, New Jersey. My love for the radio is like a continuous wave length. It started long ago when I was a little girl sitting on my Grandpa’s knee as he worked the waves. I loved listening and occasionally got to speak as well. I then turned my interest to CB. My radio interest was revitalized in 2018 when I received a 5W HT. I then pursued to obtain my FCC license becoming a Technician in September 2018. When Covid 19 occurred, my radio activity dwindled so I went online to finish my BSM and graduated in July 2020. In January 2022, I passed both the General and Extra on the same day. A few weeks later, I became an ARRL VE and was recently appointed an ARRL Official Relay Station. I serve as a NCO for the United Counties Traffic Net and other club nets including a weekly Wednesday night YL net. I’m interested in POTA, so mobility is a key component for me. I look forward to promoting and being a part of the YLRL.

District 3
Linda Robinson, W1MP
Email: district3@ylrl.org
I’m very happy to be representing District 3 and I hope my tenure will encourage more participation from all the YLs in this district. Your license has given you more than you realize, it’s time to partake.
I remember wanting to learn code as far back as a 4 yr old, I think inspired by family returning from WWII (yeah, that long ago). But I didn’t actually get my license until December 1994 so now officially a ham for 30 years. My OM N1MR (SK) licensed first but he was always the tech side of the hobby and rarely on the air although we eventually did the YLRL Valentine’s event. He encouraged me to get my own license when I would ask why he wasn’t answering 2M/440 calls mobile. Well encouraged, I think his actual words were: if you want to talk so badly on the radio, get your own license. It was quite motivating. I started as a Novice with the call KB1BMO (dubbed Big Mouth Operator) thanks to not passing the tech exam. And fast forward about 3 years, 5 written exams, 3 code tests, I got my Extra in 1997. Dropping the code requirement was looming and I had come this far and felt a sense of completion when I passed the 20 wpm code test.
The OM and I used to talk about all the facets of ham radio, something for everyone, every age. A hobby for.a lifetime and moving into my new life without him, eventually relocating from district 1 where I was born and raised and never intended to leave taking my W1 call with me, here I am in District 3 enjoying everything the greater Pittsburgh area & beyond has to offer that interests me.
Ham radio is very alive and well here and my radio club, Skyview Radio Society has fostered and supported everything I have wanted to do. My club is very active with POTA and CW, my 2 main interests and I regularly use the club’s POTA kit which is a complete setup for activating. My other interest, keeping it simple, learn to solder, at my request they reactivated one of the club’s activities, Smoke & Solder night and I’ve now built one kit, Dummy Load, working on 2nd and about to be really challenged in a couple of weeks building my own SWR analyzer along with a group of club members.
Whether you share the hobby with others or you are on your own, there is something for you, you just need to find what fits on or off the air, kit building, or not, paper chaser like me. I’m looking forward to being in touch with all the YLs in District 3 and sharing information and activities. 33 Linda W1MP/3

District 4
Audrey Mc Elroy, KM4BUN
Email: district4@ylrl.org
Hello! I’m Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, and I’m a second -year electrical engineering student at Georgia Institute of Technology. I was licensed in 2014 and hold an Extra license. I have been involved in many amateur radio clubs in the North Georgia area, but I am most active in The Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, W4AQL, where I am the Vice President. My main focus is growing the club to be inclusive to women and youth who are interested in radio, and making sure they have the support and resources available to be successful in amateur radio.
Beyond the school club, I am involved in launching high altitude balloons, the occasional ISS pass and contesting. In July 2020, I was appointed the Youth Correspondent for the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL). Since 2022, I have served the YLRL in the capacity of its District 4 Chairwoman.
I look forward to continuing my education at Georgia Tech and hope to hear you on the air!

District 5
Judi Jaksa, W0JJ
Email: district5ylrl.org
When I was growing up, I knew nothing about ham radio. In college in IN in the mid 1960’s I met Dave, W0VX, who had been a ham since high school. Dave and I married in 1968 and moved to IA.
I became the wife of a ham, following him around to some meetings and conventions. In 1984 I had knee surgery and had to stay in bed for 3 weeks. I was presented the book “Intro to Ham Radio”. Soon I started passing each level test all the way up to Extra Class. Joined ARRL, YLRL, regional and DX clubs where I held various officer positions. I have over 150 confirmed countries. I also work YLRL contests. YLOM was the best!!
Dave’s company moved us to CA for 1 year and then on to TX. We both kept our W0 calls through the moves. We have been here in the Dallas area for 35 years. We primarily operate 10 HF bands from our city lot with beam antennas for 6 – 20 meters and dipole and vertical antennas for 30 – 160 meters.
I am currently net control for Texas Young Ladies Round Up Net on Thursdays at 8 am central time on 3947 kHz. Waiting for COVID to be over so we can have a local ham convention where I have enjoyed hosting a YLRL table to welcome YLs as they walk by.
I am excited to be the new 5th District Chair and to meet the YLs in our district.

District 6
Debbie Johnson, WB6LVC
Email: district6@ylrl.org
I have been a ham since 1984. My current class of license is Extra. I am a member of ARRL as well as YLRL. I am also a VE for W5YI and ARRL. I am a member of MTARA/ Mountain Top Amateur Radio Association. I am currently the club secretary, serving in this position from 2021. I edit the club newsletter as well as write some articles for it. I have also written articles for YLH, in the District 6 column. I have had FEMA training in relation to being a member of the Mountain Top ARES. Other nets I participate in are CRC, Ladies of the Net (Net Control), MTARA 220 Net, of which I am the moderator every Tuesday night, sharing radio information and history, and the Gordon West simplex net. I have attended Pacificon in San Ramon regularly where I have spoken at the YL Forum several times. Along with participating in Field Day, I have also assisted in communications with Tour de Big Bear, Kodiak 100 and Grand Fondo. I also enjoy teaching licensing classes with my husband, Gary, AA6GJ, for Human Resources in the County of San Bernardino. When not doing radio activities, we enjoy spending time with our grandchildren. I retired in 2012 after 35 years as an elementary teacher.

District 7
Marilyn (Emma) Melhorn, AF7MM
Email: district7@ylrl.org
I got my Tech and General licenses in 2008, my Extra in 2012. During Covid I took CW classes online and have been enjoying that. On the radio I go by Emma because no one seems to be able to spell Marilyn. I like to do events. I have belonged to YLRL since 2009. I’ve been President and District 7 chair in the past. I am now the Affiliated Clubs Chair and District 7 Chair again.

District 8
Nancy Rabel Hall, KC4IYD
Email: district8@ylrl.org
I was first licensed in 1989 as KC4IYD and continued to upgrade all the way to Extra having to pass the 20 wpm code test too. I am a Past YLRL President, Vice President and Receiving Treasurer. I was the chair for the 2002 YLRL Convention in Ohio. I am the current District 8 chair and am the trustee for the YLRL club K4LMB. I currently work at NASA Glenn Research as a research scientist/project manager and am the club president for the NASA Glenn Amateur Radio Club. I live with my OM Steve, W8HF and daughter Carol W8CSH. I am a former Girl Scout Troop leader, enjoy playing golf, and reading science fiction and fantasy books. In ham radio, I enjoy working special events station, contesting, and building QRP kits.

District 9
Linda Metz, KC8PKY
Email: district9@ylrl.org
Extra license, licensed in 2000, YLRL since 2001, President 14/15, Vice president 12/13. Enjoys fox hunting, ARES, RACES, contesting. OM is Dave, KC8OBH. Lives in Knox, IN.

District 10
Paige Harper, K0PZH
Email: district10@ylrl.org
My name is Paige Harper, and callsign KØPZH.I was first introduced to the hobby of amateur radio in spring of 2023, by way of the school club at the University of Iowa. My interests in the hobby lean
towards contesting, as I love the thrill of sending, receiving, and logging calls and exchanges as quickly as possible. Since the summer of 2023, I have been a part of several multi-operator contest teams as well as competing completely solo. Locally, during contests, I band together with my colleagues as WØIO (University club), or NØMA (local contest club in Iowa). It has been a blast, as I have learnt and operated the various HF modes (SSB, RTTY, etc). I have also been privileged to have operated from the land up north. As a member of a Canadian based YL ham club, I have been able to transmit as VE3YLR. My passion for DXing and contesting has grown quickly, and as such, I have gotten the opportunity to travel (all expenses paid) to the island of Curacao at the end of October, to be a member of a CQWW SSB team at the infamous PJ2T contest station. This has been made possible, as I am the 2023 awardee of the Rich & Melissa Haendel YL DX Fund. This fund is available to any YL who is interested in contesting from an international location. Besides contesting, I do enjoy a good HF ragchew, and most especially being a part of the YL net on Wednesday nights. While I am fairly new to the amateur radio hobby, I have realized how a QSO with another YL is like working a rare DXCC. As such, I thoroughly enjoy connecting with fellow women on Wednesday nights. When I am not busy turning the VFO, I enjoy traveling the continental US, cooking, and attending book club with my dear friends.

District KH6/KL7
Meghan Crocker KL5AF
Email: districtak@ylrl.org
Meghan passed her Tech/General in April 2020 and Extra in 2021. She is a member of the SPARC and SKCC. She and her OM Jon KL5AE enjoy the great outdoors and are avid musicians. If trumpet playing isn’t enough, she also plays piano, guitar and drums. Meghan has worked for the National Park and National Forest Services. With the many parks and summits in Alaska, chasing and activating POTAs and SOTAs have become one of her favorite activities.

District VE
Suzanne Snape, VE7IM
Email: districtve@ylrl.org
Licensed in 2002, Member of CLARA – BC Area Rep. she has been a member of YLRL since 2004 and has been VE District Chair since 2005. She enjoys DX, nets and QSOs with friends. Lives in Courtenay, British Columbia.

District DX
Lorna Flansburg, KI5FIZ
See DX Treasurer above

Kate Campbell, KE8LQR
Email: youth@ylrl.org
She became interested in amateur radio through family and school. When the school resource officer started an amateur radio club, she joined and soon received her technician license at age ten. At age 11, she and her mother passed their general licenses at Hamvention 2019. In June of 2019, she became an Amateur Extra.