DX Representative-Lorna Flansburg, KI5FIZ
I became a Ham in 2019, and leveled up to Extra in December 2022. I was one of those kids with an interest in Ham radio, but no one around to Elmer me! I remember having a Radio Shack lp record to practice receiving code. I was unsuccessful, and eventually lost interest. After I retired, my daughter mentioned that she’d read that no Morse Code was required anymore! A few days later I contacted our local Ham club and got involved. With a lot of kindness and help from local hams, I continue to enjoy the hobby.
I’m active in ARES in both Robertson County and the Brazos Valley and I’m a member of RACES. I call our Robertson County ARES net each Thursday night – and my skills are continually improving! As treasurer, I’m active in the Bryan Amateur Radio Club (W5BCS) and I’m a member of the W5AC Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club. I’m currently busy organizing the BARC Winter Field Day Event. We participated as a club for the first time last year, and enjoyed it so much we plan to continue every year. I’m also the VE Liaison for the club and we enjoy offering exams monthly.
Outside of radio, I’m a member & officer in a local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. I enjoy needlepoint (wool on canvas) and serve as staff to three cats, a Maine Coon, a Calico, and a Ginger. I have one daughter, a 14 year old granddaughter, and a 2 year old grandson. I am a retired government contracting officer. I served about 9 years in Germany and was able to travel a good deal in Europe both for work and for pleasure. I am an Army veteran, serving from 1976-1979, and a member of the American Legion Post 159. I live in Hearne TX, a small town with a big railroad history.
You can email Lorna: dxtreas@ylrl.org
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