District 7
YLRL District 7

Email Marilyn for questions or more information on District 7.
District 7 Representative~Marilyn (Emma) Melhorn AF7MM
I got my Tech and General licenses in 2008, my Extra in 2012. During Covid I took CW classes online and have been enjoying that. On the radio I go by Emma because no one seems to be able to spell Marilyn. I like to do events. I have belonged to YLRL since 2009. I’ve been President and District 7 chair in the past. I am now the Affiliated Clubs Chair and District 7 Chair again.
District 7 consists of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, UT & Arizona.

Where can you find District 7 YLs
Teaching and Getting on the air with other YLs
The Ladies of District 7 hold a YL only Technician class every year! Information on the next class coming soon!
Pictured: District 7 YLs Margaret AE7MB and Marilyn AF7MM


MINOW=Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington
Thursday 7:30pm (Pacific Time)
ALARA Echolink
Conference node (286905)
Friday 9:30am (Pacific Time)
14.310 or 14.288 if 14.310 is busy
Sea-Pac Hamfest

You can find YLs at Hamfests! Look for the Young Ladies Radio League table!
Eyeball QSO with other YLs