
YLRL Contests

YL OM Contest

00:00 UTC February 13 2025 – 23:59 UTC February 14, 2025

All licensed men and women operators throughout the world are invited to participate.

OMs call “CQ-YL” and YLs call “CQ-OM.”

All bands may be used except WARC bands. Net contacts and repeater contacts do not count. Participants can work 36 hours of the 48 hours in each contest. Operating breaks of 30 minutes or more should be indicated in the log

Station worked, QSO number, RS(T), ARRL section/VE province/DXCC country (i.e. K2OM 1 59 NLI)Entries in log should also show time, band, and date, UTC time, band and mode.

Phone and CW will be scored as separate contests. Digital contacts (RTTY, PSK31, etc) count as CW. Score each band separately.
One point is earned for each different station worked on each band  and mode; YLs count only OMs and OMs count only YLs. Add together the QSO points earned for each band.
Multiply the number of QSOs by the total number of different ARRL sections/VE provinces/ countries worked. A multiplier is counted only once in each mode (i.e. SSB, CW) regardless of band.
Contestants running 5W or less will be considered QRP and earn a power factor of 3. Contestants running 5W to 100W will be considered low power and earn a power factor of 1.5. Contestants running over 100W will be high power. If no transmitter power is listed on logs, no power factor will be given.

It is recommended that all computer logs be submitted in cabrillo format. All logs must show your ARRL section, province, or country to qualify for awards. For each QSO, logs must show the station worked, QSO number given and received, RS(T) given and received, the ARRL section/VE province/DXCC country of the station worked, date, UTC time, band, and mode. Logs must also state the power output used and the operating breaks taken (30 minutes or more). Remember to file separate logs for each contest. All logs go to the current YLRL Vice President and must be submitted within 30 days of contest end or use the Log Submission form on the YLRL website.

Highest scoring YL, OM, YL group/club in SSB and CW will each receive a first place cup provided there are at least 10 valid contacts. The second and third place winners in each contest will receive certificates. The winner of the SSB contest cup is also eligible to win the CW cup. Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring YL, OM, YL club/group of each U.S./province/country, provided there are at least ten valid contacts on the log.

Click the button below for the official results of the 2024 YL-OM Contest

DX/NA-YL Anniversary Contest

1400 UTC October 19, 2024 – 0200 UTC October 21, 2024

All licensed women operators throughout the world are invited to participate. YL groups/clubs may also may also participate provided the YLs operating are listed at the end of the log. Only YLRL members are eligible for the Corcoran and Hager awards.

DX YLs call “CQ North American YL”. North American YLs call “CQ DX YL.”

All bands may be used except WARC bands. Contacts with OMs do not count. Net contacts and repeater contacts do not count. Participants may work only 24 hours of the 36 hours in each contest. Operating breaks should be shown in the log.

Station worked, QSO number, RS(T), ARRL section/VE province/DXCC country (i.e. K2OM 1 59 NLI). Entries in log should also show time, band, date, and transmitter power.3

Phone and CW and SSB will be scored as separate contests. Digital contacts (RTTY, PSK31, etc) count as CW. Submit separate logs for each contest.
All YLs within one of the U.S. ARRL sections or within a Canadian province shall score one point for each QSO with another station located within a section or province.”
Score two points for each contact with a station not located within an ARRL section or province or on another continent, i.e., DX. (DX stations are defined as those not located within an ARRL section or province.)
Multiply the number of QSOs by the total number of different ARRL sections/VE provinces/countries worked. A multiplier is counted only once in each mode (ie SSB, CW).
Contestants running 5W or less will be considered QRP and earn a power factor of 3. Contestants running 5W to 100W will be considered low power and earn a power factor of 1.5. Contestants running over 100W will be high power. If no transmitter power is listed on logs, no power factor will be given.

All logs must show your ARRL section/VE province/country to qualify for awards. Logs must show the station worked, QSO number, RST given and received, ARRL section/VE province/country of the station worked. The time, band, date and transmitter power should also be included. Logs must also state the power output used and the operating breaks taken. If you have 200 or more QSOs, submit a separate log for each band and submit a “dupe” sheet. Remember to file separate logs for each mode. Logs must show claimed score. All logs go to the current YLRL Vice President and must be submitted within 30 days of contest ends.  

Highest scoring DX-YL, NA-YL and YL group/club in SSB and CW will each receive a first place cup provided there are at least 10 valid contacts. The second and third place winners in each contest will receive certificates. Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring YLs of each U.S. section/province/country, provided there are at least ten valid contacts on the log.

Log Files and Submission

Once you have completed the requirements for the certificate, you can submit your log files HERE or email them to