YLRL Certificates
2023 Annual Award, YL Century Club (YLCC), Worked All States YL (WAS-YL), Worked All Continents YL, (WAC-YL), Worked all Zones YL (WAZ-YL), DX YL, YL-DXCC, and YL-Digital Modes
YLRL Annual Award 2025
The Annual Award for 2025 will be to work 12 YLs, anywhere in the world, on Amateur Bands 2 through 160. Dates: 01 January – December 31, 2025. Mode can be any, except through computer-based ones such as Echolink. Accepted modes are SSB, CW, Digital, MSK144 meteor scatter, satellite.
Exchange will be: Call of Station Worked, First Name, Date, Time (UTC), Band, Mode, Her QTH. Participants do NOT have to be a member of YLRL to submit an application or earn the award. We encourage members to invite non-members to join YLRL.
Send completed applications to: Carol Laferty Dantzler (Certificate Manager), 55 E. Cardinal Lane, Clearfield, KY 40313 or via email: cjf1941@roadrunner.com
****Submission deadline for the 2024 Annual Award is Jan 30, 2025****
YL Century Club (YLCC)
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Two-way communications must be established on authorized Amateur bands, with stations, mobile or fixed, operated by 100 different duly licensed women Amateurs anywhere in the world.
- The same YL using different call letters will NOT count.
- Any and all amateur bands may be used.
- List of claimed contacts must be arranged alphabetically by call sign.
- Endorsements: Using the same method of confirmation as the original, Endorsements will be made to the original certificate when 50 additional YLs are worked and confirmed.
- Gold stickers will be awarded to applicants who have worked their additional contacts from the same country; otherwise, silver stickers will be awarded.
- Please indicate whether you are applying for a gold or silver sticker when submitting your application
Worked All States YL (WAS-YL)
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Contact must be made with a duly licensed YL in each of the 50 states in the U.S.
- The District of Columbia may be counted for Maryland.
- There are no time or band limitations.
- In qualifying for this certificate, it is possible to work the SAME YL in another state.
- The list of contacts must be arranged alphabetically by state A-Z
Worked All Continents YL (WAC-YL)
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Two-way communications must be established on the amateur radio bands with YLs on the six continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania (which includes Australia and New Zealand).
- Any and all authorized Amateur Radio bands may be used.
- Contacts may have been made over any period of time, with duly licensed women operators.
- Submit a list of claimed contacts alphabetically arranged by continent
Worked All Zones YL- WAZ-YL
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Work YLs in 10 different CQ Zones.
- Any and all authorized Amateur Radio bands may be used.
- Contacts may have been made over any period of time or QTH.
- Submit a list of claimed contacts arranged numerically by CQ Zone Number.
- For each additional 10 Zones a sticker can be added.
- A plaque is available when all 40 CQ Zones are confirmed
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Work 10 DIFFERENT licensed women operators outside your own country.
- USA and possessions are counted as separate countries, as well as Alaska and Hawaii.
- Any and all amateur bands may be used.
- Contacts do not have to be with 10 different countries, just 1Ø different DX YLs. Use current approved DX country list.
- The log must be arranged alphabetically by call sign.
- Endorsements: Stickers will be awarded for each 10 additional DX YLs, subject to the same confirmation as above.
- When 100 DX YL contacts have been confirmed for DX YL certificate, you may apply for either the special paper certificate, or an Engraved Plaque
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Two-way communications must be established on authorized Amateur bands with stations (fixed or mobile), operated by licensed YLs from 100 countries on the most current ARRL list of countries.
- Any band or mode may be used.
- The log must be arranged alphabetically by country.
- Endorsements: After receiving the certificate, a silver sticker will be awarded for contacts with YLs in 25 additional DX countries. List requirements are the same as for the original application.
YL-Digital Mode
- Available to any licensed Amateur in the world.
- Two-way communications must be established on authorized Amateur bands with stations (fixed or mobile), operated by licensed YLs using digital modes only.
- Contact must be made with 25 YLs using a digital mode (FT8/FT4, PSK31, RTTY, CW, SSTV, etc.) ALL contacts must be made using the same mode.
- The log must be arranged alphabetically by call sign.
- Endorsements: After receiving the first certificate, a sticker may be awarded for each additional digital mode in which 25 YL contacts are made. (i.e. If the first 25 contacts were made using FT8, an endorsement may be earned for making 25 contacts with YLs using another mode for all 25.
- An additional endorsement after that may be earned for CW contacts, SSTV contacts, or Hellschreiber contacts, etc.)
Log File Submission
Once you have completed the requirements for the certificate, you may submit your log files HERE or mail or email them to our Certificate Manager, Carol Laferty K4SAF.
- Email: certificatemanager@ylrl.org
- Mail: Carol Laferty, 55 E. Cardinal Lane, Clearfield, KY 40313