
Apply for a YLRL Scholarship

The 2025 Scholarship application will open February 2025.
The deadline for to submit your application is April 30, 2025
Online Application will be available February 1, 2025

YLRL Scholarships

The Young Ladies’ Radio League also provides two scholarships of $2000.00 and one scholarship of $1000.00 each year. These scholarships are offered in memory of two of the founding mothers – Ethel Smith, K4LMB, and Mary Lou Brown, NM7M. The Mary Lou Brown scholarship was created posthumously to honor her immense contribution to the organization. She was not only a past President, but was extremely active with the scholarship fund. After her death it seemed fitting to honor her with a scholarship in her name. The third scholarship is in memory of Martha Wessel.

The scholarships are granted to “worthy Young Ladies for continuing their education, with preference given to those in academic study of communications and electronics or related arts and sciences” as according  to the YLRL by-laws.  A ham license is currently mandatory for all scholarships. 


The Young Ladies Radio League sponsors three scholarships:

  1. The Ethel Smith, K4LMB, Memorial Scholarship which pays $2,000.
  2. The Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Memorial Scholarship which pays $2,000.
  3. The Martha Marte” Wessel, KØEPE, Memorial Scholarship which pays $1,000.
    • Applicant must be female.
    • Applicant must have a Technician Class license or higher, or equivalent foreign authorization.
    • Applicant must intend to seek a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree from a college or university in the United States.
    • Preference will be given to students studying communications, electronics, or related arts and sciences.
    • There are no residence restrictions. Non-US amateurs are eligible.
    • The Ethel Smith, K4LMB and Mary Lou Brown, NM7N scholarships are intended for full-time students.
    • The Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE scholarship is intended for a part-time student who is working full-time while attending classes.

The Ethel Smith and Mary Lou Brown scholarships will be awarded to full-time students.  The Martha “Marte” Wessel, KØEPE, Memorial Scholarship is intended for a part-time student who is working full time while a student.

The cut–off date for applications is April 30, 2025