About the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL)
The YLRL was established in 1939. 82 years after that fateful question of “are there any YLs out there?” the answer is a resounding yes – the YLs are out there and active! Ethel Smith started an organization that has outlasted its founding mothers, but is still going strong with members all over the world. Though none of the original 12 founding mothers are longer with us, there is at least one member who has earned 65 years of continuous membership and another with 64. A handful of members have 50-55 years of continuous membership as well.

Members are from all walks of life, all ages and all levels of ham radio interest. Whether they got into the hobby to talk to their spouse locally or go around the world to the strangest of places, the one radio interest they have in common is other YLs.
The original dues for membership in the YLRL in 1939 were 25 cents and inflation has risen a bit since then. Today dues are only $15.ØØ a year those that receive the YLH on line which covers 6 issues of YL-Harmonics one being a members only Directory edition. $25.00 for those who want their YLH delivered by snail mail.
All dues money goes to the printing of YL-Harmonics, to mailing costs for ballots and renewal forms and any other mailings and supplies, as the Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Under the constitution and by-laws no dues money goes towards the scholarship fund.
The YLRL (Young Ladies’ Radio League) exists to encourage and assist YLs (Young Ladies) throughout the world to enter into the Amateur Radio Service. There are a variety of interests to offer licensed YLs: Traffic Handling, Public Service, ARES, Contests, Awards, DX, etc., on AM, CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, AMTOR, Packet and Satellite. Of course, there are the infinite benefits derived from just plain gal-to-gal rag-chewing and the resulting friendships. You are always welcome in any YLRL activity. Come on in—the YLs are anxious to meet you!
The YLRL provides scholarship funds to worthy YLs to continue their educations, with preference given to those in the academic study of communications and electronics or related arts and sciences.

YLRL offers YLs the opportunity to host foreign YLs during their visits to the United States and to sponsor their participation in YLRL activities.
There are YL nets all over the world, listen in, and join up. YL nets are fun. Tune around the band and you will hear YLs chatting away. If you miss the call for your area, break in between transmissions and DON’T GIVE UP if you’re not heard the first time. We Want YOU! Nets provide the easiest way for you to meet other YLs and give you a chance to qualify for the various YL awards.
Each year, more than 30 members give their time and energies to the necessary jobs of administration, publicity, editing and writing for YL Harmonics, contest log checking, certificates custodianship, acting on committees and as District Chairmen in the different areas. Since the administration of YLRL (a non-profit organization) is by unpaid volunteers it is always appreciated when members cooperate.

YLRL encourages Amateur Radio competition between YLs by offering certificates, trophies, etc., for demonstrated excellence in such operating competitions. All the dates and rules are published in YL Harmonics. Following is a list of our contests, giving the length of the contest and the months in which they are usually held:
- YL/OM—24 hours—February
- DX / North American YL Anniversary Party—24 hours—October
Members of the Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc. can be found at Hamfests all over the world. YLRL members have tables with YLRL themed merchandise, past issues of YL Harmonics, certificate information and brochures.
You may also find YLRL members at these events presenting a YL forum as well. Themes can be anything from the YLRL and its history to local YL clubs and what YLs are currently doing in amateur radio.
Every year at the Hamvention® the Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc. is there to greet YLs in attendance. The YLRL also moderates a YL forum at the event,