2014 YLRL Convention
2014 YLRL Convention
Vancouver, WA
More information coming soon!
75th Anniversary Friendship Quilt: Margaret did an amazing job making this quilt. She had several girls send in their star blocks and she put it all together. The girls that signed their squares are: Marianna, W7WFO; Helen , VA1YL; Twila, NØJPH; Ann, KØANN; Margaret, AE7MB; Sara, AB7PS; Cheryl, NØWBV; Doshia, KBØNAS; Maria, WBØHUC; Marte, KØEPE; Ann, KØANN, Twila, NØJPH; Marilyn, AF7BI; Lydia, KF4TPW; Merle, VE1VCI;, Barbara, AC7UH; Sharlene, KBØWBT. The YL that won this beautiful quilt was Barbara Ulatowska
Kay, WA0WOF; Cheryl, N0WBV
Linda, KC8PKY; Carol, KF4TJJ
Rose-Marie, KB4RM; Suzanne, VE7IM; Anne, WB1ARU; Sarla, VU2SWS; Cheryl. N0WBV
Shirley, W7SAF; Cheryl, N0WBV; Christine, VK5CTY