1976 YLRL Convention

1976 YLRL 7th International Convention

July 10th ~ 12th Houston, TX

Annie, K5JKV,  Frances, WA5MPM  and their Committees did a superlative job with the arrangements so that we in attendance would be entertained royally in the usual Texas tradition.

Saturday morning began with the YL Forum and some questions were brought up that I am working on and will be submitted to the Board of Directors to be voted upon. The luncheon following was very nice and a wonderful time was had by all. Saturday evening concluded the festivities with the usual banquet and the prize drawing.

5 Past Presidents, & the 1976 President. Carrie Lynch, WA4BVD, Maxine Hanberry, WA6A0E, Beth Taylor, W7NJS, Christine Haycock, WB2YBA, Beatrice Austin W7HHH, and Myrtle Cunningham WA6ISY

Their plans included a trip to Galveston and the Johnson Space Center with lunch at Guido’s, a famous sea food restaurant, on Thursday. Friday, we had a tour of Houston and the Astro-Dome. The reception for the past presidents and current officers Friday evening was delightful.

The OMs were not forgotten, either, as on Saturday morning they were taken on a tour of Houston, the Houston Ship Canal, the city of Houston Disaster Communications Center, and topping it off with a Texas style barbecue luncheon.

Saturday morning began with the YL Forum and some questions were brought up that I am working on and will be submitted to the Board of Directors to be voted upon. The luncheon following was very nice and a wonderful time was had by all. Saturday evening concluded the festivities with the usual banquet and the prize drawing.

The donations by the numerous YL Clubs and individuals were fabulous, their creativity is something to behold. I wish to sincerely thank the GAYLARKs for their efforts on our behalf and the convention was well planned in every respect.

The YLRL was capably represented at the ARRL National Convention in Denver by Mary “Peg” Campbell, WB0LFQ, and she collected a sizable list of signatures in the “Guest Book.”

Convention Program

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