1972 YLRL Convention

1972 6th International YLRL Convention

May 26th ~ 28th Long Beach, CA

(Left to right) Irma K6KCI, Lenore W6NAZ, Enid W6UXF

(Left to Right) Louisa W5RZJ, Jan K6HHD, Mae K7QGQ, Roxy K6ELO,  Irma K6KCI, Lenore W6NAZ (luncheon)

YLRL celebrated it’s 33rd birthday in grand style at the 6th International Convention in Long Beach with 140 licensed YL”s, 60 OM’s and 22 YL guests. There were about 60 YL’s from W6 land, so that means were from out-of-state and Canada. What a huge success it was!! The YLRC of Los Aneles put on a “Really Big Show”! Thanks to K6ELO, Roxie Griggs, Convention Chairman end all her able”crew”for a very delightful time had by all.

K6KCI, Irma,Program Co-Chairman, performed in her usual grand style at the “mike” in her role as Mistress of Ceremonies for the luncheon and banquet. And with her son, Lynn’s wedding the week-end before, t’was great to see her holding up so well in spite of herself. hi!ihi!!

WA6UBU, Esther really out did herself with all the good-iec in the Hospitality Room, plus Registration for the Convention.

WA6QKC, Joan and her OM, Dunk, are by this time on their way to Boston, MA for a months vacation. Hope they made it off OK. When I talked to her yesterday on Ironing Board Net she had a list a mile long to do to get ready. Course she had @ big hand in the convention too.

WBODFN, Roberta and her OM,Glenn,WAGNDL, will be flying down to Mexico for an XE Convention. (Think it was La Paz) As President of the LA-YL Club, and Tour Chairman for the Convention, she was a busy gal and hopes she gets to rest down there.

K6ELO, Roxy and her OM  John,K6KW, will also be heading “South of the Border” for the XE Convention. They have attended several in the past and are looking forward to a great time as always. Hope she can relax down there too, in the land of the siesta.

WA6AOE, Maxine hosted K8ITF, Marge before and after the Convention. Talked to both of them today from Maxine’s Catalina QTH, Maxine did her usual exceptional job with convention publicity and souvenir program book.

WA6ISY, Myrtle’s OM,Tom,WOPIF was responsible for the f.b. operation set-up at the convention, with equipment loaned from Swan Electronic’s and Henry Radio. Hope a lot of you were able to work the station W6MWO/6. Myrtle was Prize Chairman, and such an array of prizes, and what a big job!!

I can’t remember who won the Swan Transceiver. Will have to report that later. Do remember that WA6ERS, Ruth was the winner of the very beautiful hooked-rug that W6QGX Harryette, did such a great job on. (Had the YL Harmonic’s Cover design on it).

WOVDP, Mary was also a busy gal at the Convention as she is Treas. of the LA Club. Guess what she had charge of??  Was good to see her OM, Gene there looking so well after his illiness. Hope you continue to improve Gene!!

W6EBDE,Esther and the Baylarc Mermaids ha@ a “Splash Down” party on Friday evening with lots of XXX_and 000 punch.
She was ably assisted by W6KHM, WA6GQC,WSNLM, W6ALL, WBOGID, WB6PJL and perhaps some others I missed. Sorry too much XXX.)

K6HHD, Jan and W6YKU, Jackie, almost flew down together. Hi!!Hi!! Hope they made it together going home.

W6CEE, Vada and her OM All, escapees from the LA area were there to help and enjoy. They are in the process of getting their station set-up in the new QTH up in Ft. Jones, CA. where they recently retired to.(It’s located just south of the CA and Ore. border.) I could go on and on but space would not allow. I will say that I was there with OM Ted, W6SMU and had a grand time! Was so nice meeting so many new YL’s and renewing aquaintances with other. To those YL’s who came from some distance away, hope that their trip was well worthwhile, and to the YL’s from the LA Club who worked so diligently as Hostesses a heartfelt thanks for a grand time!!


AT LONG LAST! For the first time since it’s organization back in 1963—were there enough MINOW’s at one gathering to spell out the name of the word MINOW. Standing, left to right, Flo-W7QYA, Verda-K7UBC, Mae-K7QGO, Beth-W7NJS, Ethel W7WLX. Seated: Helen-W7GGV, Jane-W7LXQ, Bea-W7HHH. It took the YLRL Convention at Long Beach to gather these gal’s for this picture. Of this group there is 3 Charter  members, Helen W7GGV, Jane-W7LX9 and Mae-K7QGO. Next year the Minow’s will observe their tenth anniversary, this YL club has continued ‘to grow, is an affilate club of YLRL. Might add that each letter of the word MINOW indicates the state from which the YL is from: Montana-Idaho-Nevada-Oregon-Washington.

Convention Program

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