1960 YLRL Convention

1960 3rd International YLRL Convention

Hotel Commander Cambridge, MA June 17-19

*Members of WRONE who served on convention committees. L. to r., front: WISVN, KIADY, WIZEN, K1IZT, KIEKO. Standing: W1VOS, WIRLQ, WI1UKR, WISCS, WICEW, KIIV, WIHOY,. -W4HWR photo,

From California and Florida, from Wisconsin and Texas, plus a dozen other States, the YLs gathered at the Hotel Commander in Cambridge, Mass., on June 17-19, 1960, for the 3rd International YLRL Convention, sponsored by WRONE, the Women Radio Operators of New England. Over ninety YLs attended, with every call area except the 7th  represented, and with DX in the person of OHSSM, Carola.

Events got under way on Friday morning with the WRONE gals (and some helpful OMs) setting up the convention station in the Hospitality Rooms. The special call WI1YL was issued for the convention and for the two weeksprior to it, during which time it was used by WI1ZEN, KI1IZT and WIHOY. WICEW, Mary, and KIADY, also Mary, set up Ye Olde WRONE Gift Shoppe in the Hospitality Rooms and had many lovely items for the gals to choose from. Also on display were club albums and scrapbooks. Here and in the hotel lobby the YLs gathered throughout the day, amid hugs, kisses (and more formal greetings) as friend greeted friend, and new acquaintances were made. Excitement ran high, especially when Onie, W1ZEN, displayed the now famous
bedspread incorporating embroidered replicas of all the certificates offered by YL clubs (two received too late to go into the spread were made into a pillow), and the lace afghan made by Onie.

QSL issued for contacts with W8YL, Special Event Station in operation during the week of YLRL’s 25yh Anniversary Convention.

W1HUH a ham since 1933 attended the convention with a companion. W4HWR  photo

Convention Program

**Click the image to view the PDF

The souvenir bedspread, main prize of 3rd International YLRL Convention, was made from embroidered squares, replicas of YL certificates available, done by various YL clubs and individuals, and put together by WRONE members with royal blue borders and top header.

*Information provided by book CQ YL  The story of Women in Amateur Radio by Louisa B Sando W5RZJ