1955 YLRL Convention
1955 The 1st YLRL Convention
June 24-25 Miramar Hotel Santa Monica, CA
By car, train, plane and wheelchair the YLs descended upon the Miramar Hotel at Santa Monica, Calif., on June 24-25 for the First International Convention of the Young Ladies Radio League. Enthusiasm and excitement ran high as one after another registered and fell to rag-chewing. For many it was a happy reunion, for others a thrill to meet in person for the first time after QSOs and contests.
Registration began on Friday afternoon and an informal reception was held in the YLRL suite at the hotel, A Ham station was set up in the suite, courtesy of Henry Radio, and refreshments were served by W6LBO, Mary, and W6KYZ, Ann.
Saturday morning the convention got off to an early start with registration at 9 a.m. While the OMs took a tour of the Collins Burbank factory and NBC studios, the YLs gathered for the YLRL business meeting. On our way into the Palm Room each YL was presented with a lovely copper bracelet bearing the YLRL insignia. These were souvenirs of the First International YLRL Convention, compliments of the Los Angeles YLRC. All were handmade by W6QYL, Martha, and her committee (see photo). YLRL officers received bracelets hand-crafted in silver.
Convention Chairman, W6UHA, Maxine, as mistress of ceremonies welcomed the YLs, then introduced the mayor of Santa Monica, who also welcomed us to this city. YLRL President, W6CEE, Vada, then presided over the business meeting.
W6WSV, Carol, as first vice president of YLRL, told us of the beginnings of the League. W6UXF, Enid, YLRL’s first secretary-treasurer and originator and editor of YL Harmonics, gave a delightful little talk on the conception, labor pains and birth of this “baby girl” and expressed her pleasure at how it has grown from an original 13 members to nearly 600. W7GXI, Marge, one of the earliest members, displayed her original certificate of membership in YLRL.
W3MSU, Ethel, founder and first president of YLRL (see “YL’s Frequency,” CQ, Nov. °54), was unable to attend, but sent a letter W3MSU as our founder (the suggestion of W7IJFB, Miriam). She also displayed a hand-some acrostic executed by W2JZX, Vi, which was to be given to Ethel.
W3PVH, Betty, read the secretary’s report which had been forwarded by W3UUG, Miriam. The membership drive during the last year resulted in 85 new members. The winners in this contest were: WSRZJ, top individual award for gaining the most new members (a free convention ticket); KZ5DG, Grace, chair-man of the district with highest percentage increase during the period of the contest; the Los Angeles YLRC as the club gaining the most new members, with W6WSV, Carol, winning the prize within the club. As of June membership was divided thus: W1-52; W2-56; W3-33; W4-69; W5-42; W6-86; W7-45; W8-38; W9-36; W@-48; VE- 12; KH6-4; KL7-9.
W0ERR, Ann, made the proposal that a book be compiled about the YLs and the YLRL. This was greeted with unanimous approval by those attending and your editor was requested to undertake the project. (We would be happy to receive ideas and suggestions on this from any readers.) K6BUS, Marge, also has suggested a YLRL yearbook.
*Information provided by book CQ YL The story of Women in Amateur Radio by Louisa B Sando W5RZJ
The YLRL Convention Song
The Girl at the key has a romantic touch.
The world that she knows needs goodwill so much!
From Capetown to Nome and from Delhi to Rome,
By Voice or by code
Reaching Foreign abode.
From QRV to QRT;
Through QRM, Still QTC.
This YL lass with a task to do,
To YRL ideals true!