
March is Women's History Month
It's a Tidal Wave!!!
That radio warning saved a town. In such emergencies girl “hams” find excitement between short-wave gabfests.
You can read the full story of how Mildred W8PZA and Verna KL7AX saved scores of lives in Naknek AK and more.

A team of YLRL members are going through the historical archives that are stored in boxes with many more stories like this. We will be getting as much as we can added to our website.
The Women of Early Amateur Radio
The history of amateur radio might never be complete, but some omissions in that history are larger than others, and the story of women in the early years of amateur radio is rarely told. In this video, which was presented at the 2021 Antique Wireless Association Conference, media historian Donna Halper tells the story of some the earliest radio amateurs, who just happened to be women.
The Young Ladies’ Radio League, Inc., K4LMB originated in 1939, when one YL wanted to see if there were any others out there. Thus 12 women banded together in a male dominated activity, growing an organization that reaches around the world.
Members are from all walks of life, all ages and all levels of ham radio interest. Whether they got into the hobby to talk to locally or go around the world to the strangest of places, the one radio interest they have in common is other Women in Amateur Radio (YLs).

YLRL Scholarship Application
The Young Ladies Radio League sponsors three scholarships:
- The Ethel Smith, K4LMB, Memorial Scholarship which awards $2,500.
- The Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Memorial Scholarship which awards $2,500.
- The Martha “Marte” Wessel, KØEPE, Memorial Scholarship which awards $1,500.
The application deadline is April 30, 2025
For more information and the online application, click the apply button
Women’s Ham Radio General (intermediate) License Class

This class is taught by women, for women!
The April 2025 class will be offered online via Zoom. material is aimed for hams with a Technician license.
April 2025 Schedule for 7 sessions: 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17
For more information and to register click below:
Time to Renew

Its time to renew your membership! 2025 dues are due by December 31, 2024 to continue to receive the Bi-Monthly issue of YL Harmonics.

Donate or Apply for a YLRL Scholarship. Click Below for all of the details.
For more information on how you can become a member of the YLRL, Click Below!
Password Change

We recently changed the password to the Members Only Page. If you do not have an email with the information contact your District Representative or Receiving Treasurer
Not Getting your YL Harmonics emails?
There are several things you can do:
- Check your spam folder. If the email is in your spam box, be sure to mark it as not spam and add the email address to your contact list
- If you recently changed your email address contact your the Receiving Treasurer, your District Representative or any officer to get it corrected on our list.
- Make sure you are current on your dues.
- If you still are not receiving your email, contact us and we will work through the issue.
Resource Spot light

SSTV takes a static (non-moving) image and “scans” it from right to left and top to bottom, and transmits the image in three primary colors using audio frequencies (in the same bandwidth as a voice transmission). Because it uses just audio frequencies, any radio that can transmit and receive voice can also transmit and receive SSTV
There are several You Tube, videos on how to set it up. There are several You Tube, videos on how to set it up. Essex Ham does a great job explaining the set up process, https://www.essexham.co.uk/sstv-the-basics
For more information and the link to download the free software, click the link below.
Looking for Amateur Radio Resources?
From YLRL Documents, Contesting, and How to renew your license we are here to help. Women helping women. We want help you get on the Air!!
On our Resources page you can find information on:
- Echolink
- National Traffic Safety
- Contesting
- Fema Classes
- And many more subjects!!!!!